Natural beauty not only comes from the outside, but from the inside as well. A healthy, balanced diet that is rich in enzymes is especially important. Organic Kanne Bread Drink® contains lactobacilli (lactic acid bacteria). The special lactic acid bacteria contained in Organic Kanne Bread Drink® and the lactic acid in Kanne Enzyme-Fermented Grain®
are also suitable for external use.
Here are a few additional rules of thumb: avoid too much fatty food, excessive alcohol and nicotine. Especially if you use make-up: always remove your make-up before you go to bed. Instead: drink lots of liquids. Aside from Organic Kanne Bread Drink®, also include juices, water and unsweetened tea; that helps flush toxins out of your body. And make sure you get enough sleep or rest – because our mental balance is also shown in the appearance of our skin. Our skin is constantly subjected to environmental stimuli and strain. That includes allergies and skin diseases like neurodermatitis. The acid protective layer of the skin provides natural protection here.
The Original Kanne Enzyme Energy Bath is refreshing and invigorating and perfect as a soothing bath supplement. Note: Do not make the water too hot so that the bath will not affect your circulatory system too much. A maximum temperature of up to 37 °C should be enough. Also, do not stay in the bath tub too long because that will dry out your skin.
Der Badezusatz zum Wohlfühlen ohne chemische Zusätze! Ein rein biologisches milchsaures Gärungsprodukt mit lebenden Milchsäurebakterien. Unsere Haut ist ständig Umweltreizen und Belastungen ausgesetzt. Einen natürlichen Schutz bildet hier der Säureschutzmantel der Haut. Es wirkt erfrischend und belebend und eignet sich hervorragend als wohltuender Badezusatz.
Kanne Brolacta® Organic Soap contains organic rapeseed soap, Kanne Bread Drink® and Kanne Enzyme-Fermented Grain®; it is extremely skin-friendly and does not contain any chemical additives or preservatives. And lavandin oil has a lipid replenishing effect. It makes your skin especially smooth! As liquid soap in the handy 400 ml pump bottle.
Flüssigseife in der praktischen Pumpflasche. Alle Inhaltsstoffe sind aus biologischem Anbau. Ohne Konservierungsstoffe.
Probieren Sie die Seife aus. Ihre Haut wird besonders geschmeidig!
Organic Kanne Bread Drink skin care with Organic Kanne Bread Drink® Pauer Essence is a great choice if you are looking for deep and long-lasting skin care. Since entirely devoid of paraffins or derivatives. this product is exceptionally gentle. Its high concentration of Organic Kanne Bread Drink® Pauer Essence helps create a healthy skin environment, while the fine almond oil makes your skin smooth as silk and supplies it with plenty of moisture. The fact that this product does not contain any artificial preservatives is a guarantee for healthy skin that will stay healthy for a long time.
We recommend that you apply organic Kanne skin care as a lotion after taking a bath or a shower. If your skin is particularly sensitive or cracked, we recommend that you apply the product to the affected areas several times a day.
Für das Wohlbefinden Ihrer Haut
in der praktischen wiederverschließbaren Flasche
mit Kanne Bio Brottrunk® Pauer Essenz.
Das Lavendelaroma kann beruhigenden Einfluss auf die Haut nehmen.
Organic Kanne skin balm is a special product that is uniquely capable of soothing extremely stressed skin (such as skin suffering from atopic eczema). Entirely dispensing with any artificial preservatives, paraffins and derivatives, organic Kanne skin balm is exceptionally gentle to the skin and keeps it healthy and beautiful for a long time. The combination of olive and almond oil makes it perfectly suited for application as a daily cream or additional skin care product for scaly skin.
You can apply Kanne skin balm as a daily cream or moisturising cream at any time. If your skin is particularly sensitive, we recommend that you apply the balm three times a day and wrap a bandage soaked with Original Organic Kanne Bread Drink® around areas that are profoundly irritated.
Sehr reichhaltige und wertvolle Salbe für extrem trockene Haut (besonders bei Neurodermitis zu empfehlen), nimmt den Juckreiz, wirkt beruhigend, die Haut wird glatter und geschmeidig.
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